Insights Unleashed

  • Boosting Non-Dues Revenue While Strengthening Your Industry

    Boosting Non-Dues Revenue While Strengthening Your Industry

    Associations today face increasing pressure to diversify revenue streams beyond traditional membership dues. You can boost non-dues revenue with micro-credentials and certifications, tapping into the growing demand for skill-based learning. As professionals prioritize skills over degrees for career advancement, associations can leverage this trend to attract new members and drive revenue. The Rise of Skills…

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  • How to Choose the Right eLearning Partner

    How to Choose the Right eLearning Partner

    Choosing the right eLearning partner is crucial—it can significantly influence the success of your organization’s online training initiatives. Many tips and tricks exist for choosing the right partner for your eLearning needs. In our 30 years in the industry, we have learned why clients seek support outside their organizations and what to consider for each…

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  • Digitec Interactive is Evolving: Introducing Apti!

    Digitec Interactive is Evolving: Introducing Apti!

    Digitec Interactive has become Apti! Over three decades ago, our journey began with a few minds fueled by ambition and an ethic of doing more with less. From humble beginnings as a media production company, we’ve emerged as a dynamic force in the Learning & Development (L&D) industry. What began as a compact team in…

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  • How ChatGPT can streamline your eLearning tasks

    How ChatGPT can streamline your eLearning tasks

    ChatGPT has taken the world by storm. The AI is a powerful tool that can streamlines eLearning tasks. You’ve probably heard countless opinions on the pros and cons of the software, as well as stories of how it’s been used by others. However, it can be tricky to figure out how exactly to make it…

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  • 3 Ways ChatGPT Helps Your Course Development

    3 Ways ChatGPT Helps Your Course Development

    Lately, there has been a big buzz in the world of Artificial Intelligence with the use of Generative AI technology. The focus of this has been on ChatGPT and its use in several industries. However, how is it useful for Instructional Designers? In this article, we’ll talk about three ways that Instructional Designers can use…

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  • Overlooked LMS Features: Course Library

    Overlooked LMS Features: Course Library

    When searching for an LMS to host your online courses, naturally your focus leans towards the platform’s interface, analytics capabilities and maybe gamification elements. These are important, no doubt, but have you ever stopped to consider the power of a well-stocked Course Library? Course libraries are often a key feature that is overlooked on LMSs.…

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  • Overlooked LMS Features: Blended learning

    Overlooked LMS Features: Blended learning

    So, your organization provides certification training for members. This is one of your most popular products and the highest revenue generator. But the certification exam is being completely updated, and you need your training updated within the next 6 months, so that your members can get trained for their re-certification. To make things more complicated,…

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  • How to Create Effective Skills-Based Questions

    How to Create Effective Skills-Based Questions

    Imagine you need to teach aspiring electricians how to wire a connection. How can you tell they’ve mastered this skill? Would you ask multiple choice questions about the history of electricity? You could. But these types of knowledge-based questions wouldn’t really measure the learner’s skill at wiring. Skill-based assessments are an essential part of measuring…

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  • Assessment Cheat Sheet

    Assessment Cheat Sheet

    Some of the most critical components of any eLearning program are the assessments you create, for a good reason. There are few ways to better measure your learners’ understanding of the material. And if you have solid learning objectives and an engaging content outlined, you’re probably all set to design your assessment questions, right? No.…

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  • Personalized Adaptive Learning

    Personalized Adaptive Learning

    The world of training and eLearning is a dynamic one and AI can help. Everyday we see new technology appear that helps make learning faster and more efficient, as well as helping learners retain the information they are meant to learn. One of the most popular trends throughout the last few years is Learning Journeys.…

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  • 4 Key Features to Consider When Shopping for an LMS

    4 Key Features to Consider When Shopping for an LMS

    If you want to create eLearning content, you’ll inevitably need to select a learning management system (LMS). An LMS is a software program that provides hosting, delivering, tracking, and administrative capabilities for your training. This is where your training lives, making it perhaps the most important piece in your eLearning machine. So, what LMS should…

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  • What is an LMS?

    What is an LMS?

    The term, learning management system, or LMS, is one you’ve probably heard a decent amount of in the eLearning industry. However, you might be wondering what the term even means. An LMS is a software program for that provides hosting, delivering, tracking, and administrative capabilities for your training, among other features. Essentially, if you’re building…

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  • What is SCORM and Why is it Important?

    What is SCORM and Why is it Important?

    If you’ve been in the eLearning space, you’ve probably heard the term ‘SCORM’ or ‘SCORM compliance’ before, but what is it? Put simply, SCORM is a set of technical standards for eLearning products. Without it, many learning providers would likely spend a good chunk of time reworking training content to fit the standards of each…

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  • 4 Top eLearning Trends for 2023

    4 Top eLearning Trends for 2023

    As we step into this new year, you’re probably noticing a lot of change. Whether it be innovative technologies or industry practices, things are always moving. This year looks to be no different. From groundbreaking artificial intelligence to simple videos, these are some of the likely trends to soar in 2023. Trend 1 | Artificial…

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  • The Value of Learning Paths in Your eLearning

    The Value of Learning Paths in Your eLearning

    When building an eLearning program, the layout of your training can be just as important as the content itself. There are many eLearning trends that you might know of already, but not much is said about the learning journey. By designing effective learning paths, you can guide your learners’ journeys to specific outcomes. Let’s take…

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  • 3 Tips to Rescale your Organization for Growth

    3 Tips to Rescale your Organization for Growth

    Rescaling is the process of adjusting the size of your workforce to align with your current needs. This can involve layoffs, hiring freezes, or reassigning employees to different roles in the company. There are many reasons why you may need to re-scale your workforce. It could be due to changes in the market, such as…

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  • 5 Features That Increase Learner Engagement

    5 Features That Increase Learner Engagement

    In this new age of upskilling and training in many fields, eLearning is becoming more common. However, it is very easy for eLearning to become boring very quickly. When eLearning or training becomes boring, learner engagement will fall very quickly. When learners disengage from an eLearning course or other forms of training, they won’t retain…

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  • How to Perform a Highly Effective Needs Analysis

    How to Perform a Highly Effective Needs Analysis

    It is common to find issues that hinder productivity, operations, and overall employee performance. When this happens, it is time to take a step back and diagnose the problem that may be leading to this disruption in activity and profit. This is where a Needs Analysis comes into play. A Needs Analysis is a process…

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  • 3 Things You Need to Know For Your eLearning Program

    3 Things You Need to Know For Your eLearning Program

    According to Straits Research, the global eLearning market is expected to have a compound annual growth rate of 13% between 2022 and 2030. Here are three things that you need before creating an eLearning program. If you haven’t yet switched to eLearning, it’s possible to feel as if you’re being left behind. While the switch…

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  • 3 Powerful Tips for Fixing Compliance Training

    3 Powerful Tips for Fixing Compliance Training

    Keep your people trained on compliance regulations. Since government rules may change continually, training cannot be a one-time event. Training will always need to be updated, since laws and practices are updated all the time. If you don’t stay on top of your compliance training, you could develop compliance gaps. You may already have them…

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  • 3 Essential Ways to Keep Your Remote Workers Engaged

    3 Essential Ways to Keep Your Remote Workers Engaged

    With remote work growing in popularity, companies are running into unique problems. Virtual workspaces allow more flexibility in how and where we work, yet can feel disconnected. Without seeing faces in the office every day, it is easy for employees to lose attachment to their jobs. Thankfully, there are steps you can take to fix…

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  • Drive Learner Engagement with Design Thinking

    Drive Learner Engagement with Design Thinking

    Everyone has sat through terrible eLearning at some point in time. Things such as buttons that go nowhere, too many clicks, no clear navigation. All of this can affect learner engagement. These instructional designers never intend to create a bad experience. Design Thinking improves learner engagement for your training courses. Design Thinking is a concept…

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  • You Need Employee Training for Cyber Security

    You Need Employee Training for Cyber Security

    It’s easy to underestimate the amount of risk a typical employee takes on each business day. Especially now that many teams have gone hybrid or fully remote for the foreseeable future, we’re all interacting more than ever before with virtual interactions that are sometimes easy to fake! More than ever before we’re seeing even high-profile…

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  • 3 Ways to Use Data to Maximize your eLearning

    3 Ways to Use Data to Maximize your eLearning

    How do you know if your eLearning is working? You might have a survey where learners can say what they thought of the curriculum. Or maybe you’re noticing a change in the performance and know-how of your employees. While these are helpful measures, you can learn so much more by making use of eLearning data.…

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  • 3 Tips for Using Videos Effectively for Micro courses

    3 Tips for Using Videos Effectively for Micro courses

    You’re probably already familiar with why micro-learning would be a benefit to your learners. The fast-paced work atmosphere, the shorter attention spans, the projects pulling you in every direction, the ease of learning one concept at a time, there’s a long list of reasons why smaller chunks of learning is the way to go. And…

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  • 5 Things to Consider When Designing for ADA Compliance

    5 Things to Consider When Designing for ADA Compliance

    According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2011, nearly 15% of the world’s population possess some form of disability. Organizations are focusing more on inclusion and diversity, so it’s more important than ever that this population has equal access to training resources in your organization. The ADA provides guidelines on best practices. Guides on…

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  • Is Career Development Important?

    Is Career Development Important?

    Career development is the ability to grow and advance in one’s workplace. We’re seeing a growing trend where more and more employees are treating it as a key sticking point when making decisions about their futures. The opportunities to face new challenges at work, earn promotions, or work in different departments are ones that employees…

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  • Why You Should Consider Blended Learning

    Why You Should Consider Blended Learning

    What is Blended Learning? Designing learning materials isn’t easy. Finding ways to balance budget, time, and labor, while creating good content is daunting. If your organization still mostly relies on traditional learning – face to face in a physical location – then these problems might be pressing. You’re probably looking for improvements. Maybe you know…

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  • 3 Highly Effective Opportunities for Gamification in eLearning

    3 Highly Effective Opportunities for Gamification in eLearning

    Collaborative gaming takes all the benefits we know from gamification and turns it into a group event. More than ever, companies are looking for new ways to engage their workers, but our world changes fast. There always seems to be new technologies, trends, or best practices to understand. And your company needs to keep up.…

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  • Traditional Learning vs Elearning

    Traditional Learning vs Elearning

    The popularity of elearning as a training mechanism has grown by leaps and bounds over the past couple of decades. This is one business trend that is clearly not going away any time soon. Does this mean that traditional classroom learning is going away? Not likely. Although both learning styles are used frequently in the…

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  • How Onboarding Effects Employee Retention

    How Onboarding Effects Employee Retention

    Onboarding of new employees is a practice that most companies are familiar with. Let’s face it, hiring new employees is just a part of running a business, as is employee turnover. So, how important is the onboarding process to keeping new employees? As Jack talks about in his webinar, nearly 1 in 3 new employees…

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