Learning experiences you won’t forget.

We create emotionally-engaging, experiential learning that transforms employee performance and delivers exceptional results, every time.

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Learning experiences you won’t forget.

We create emotionally-engaging, experiential learning that transforms employee performance and delivers exceptional results, every time.

Pink dot with fade effect OUR UNIQUE APPROACH

Learning that sticks.
Skills that soar.

Since 1988, we’ve used technology and innovative design to create immersive experiences that maximize learner engagement and get real-world results. With a proprietary blend of neuroscience principles, motivational psychology, positive leadership, self-determination theory, emotional intelligence, human-centered design, and appreciative inquiry, our positive approach to performance improvement taps into what makes your team tick and motivates them to keep growing.



Learning starts with hearts, not smarts. It’s how we’re wired. Motivating learners to try and apply new things requires a relentless focus on amplifying what emotionally matters most. Only emotion inspires action. That’s why context is king.



Results come when behaviors change. Solutions and services that make it easy to transition from the “business as usual” You 1.0 to the new You 2.0, through active experimentation and feedback, accelerate on-the-job application and organizational benefits. It’s the quickest path to mastery. Remember, learners don’t resist change. They resist being changed.



What we focus on, we become. We strive to accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative, because positive practices are proven to produce positive physiological and psychological benefits, and thus, positively affect performance. We keep our glasses half-full. It’s essential to achieving greatness.



Learning starts with hearts, not smarts. It’s how we’re wired. Motivating learners to try and apply new things requires a relentless focus on amplifying what emotionally matters most. Only emotion inspires action. That’s why context is king.



Results come when behaviors change. Solutions and services that make it easy to transition from the “business as usual” You 1.0 to the new You 2.0, through active experimentation and feedback, accelerate on-the-job application and organizational benefits. It’s the quickest path to mastery. Remember, learners don’t resist change. They resist being changed.



What we focus on, we become. We strive to accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative, because positive practices are proven to produce positive physiological and psychological benefits, and thus, positively affect performance. We keep our glasses half-full. It’s essential to achieving greatness.

What we do

With your needs in mind, we set you up for sustained success through three service lines that meet just about every learning & performance need — whether requested individually, or blended together into one amazing end-to-end offering.

With your needs in mind, we set you up for sustained success through three service lines that meet just about every learning & performance need — whether requested individually, or blended together into one amazing end-to-end offering.


Serious games

Experiencial eLearning

Moment-of-need microlearning

Interactive storytelling

Immersive scenarios & simulations

Extended reality (XR)

Let’s transform training together, way beyond industry trends and buzzwords, and co-create an amazing experience for your audience

Whether you’re focusing on soft skills, new process implementation, HR and safety compliance, or something else entirely, we’ll come up with the right recipe to help you level up your learning. With an emphasis on meaningful, discovery-based play and challenging, robust, and realistic performance simulations, we engage learners in unleashing their full potential.

Serious games

Experiencial eLearning

Moment-of-need microlearning

Interactive storytelling

Immersive scenarios & simulations

Extended reality (XR)



Mobile-first design

Flexible configuration

Section 508 compliant

Social-learning optimized

Intuitive UX/UI


Course authoring

Knowledge Direct is an award-winning learning platform with the features you need to create, host, track, and manage an exceptional learning experience for your entire organization.

We offer web hosting, customer support, and detailed reporting, prioritizing convenience and ease of use for you and your LMS admins, With intuitive customization, configuration, and integration with your existing systems, Knowledge Direct is an all-inclusive, one-stop-shop for your entire course catalog.

Mobile-first design

Flexible configuration

Section 508 compliant

Social-learning optimized

Intuitive UX/UI


Course authoring


Collaborative solution ideation

Technology enablement

Implementation support

Strategic roadmapping

Content analysis & review

Assessment & evaluation

Whether consulting on upskilling your teams, generating new ideas, or creating solutions to new challenges, we’ll jump in feet first.

Our expert consulting team can help you invent or identify the best tools and techniques for your training needs. And we can coach you on how to make the most of your designs to maximize ROI. We’ll help make the difficult decisions easy.

Collaborative solution ideation

Technology enablement

Implementation support

Strategic roadmapping

Content analysis & review

Assessment & evaluation

Love stories

Dot pink with fade effect About us

At Apti, we keep it real. You can always 
count on us to be…


We are first and always a human-centric brand. We listen to understand. We communicate to connect. We relate, integrate, and resonate with our clients and the world in which we work. We know you’re human too, with hopes, dreams, and aspirations of your own. So, we strive to create authentic human connections at every touchpoint. We believe in the power of empathy, in the potential of every learner, and the priority of our shared experience.


We are friendly, open-minded, and welcoming. We make it easy to work with us. We’re genuinely caring and strive to simplify your journey at every turn. We have a knack for making the complex seem easy. We avoid acronyms, jargon, and buzzwords. Because we prioritize clarity, connectedness, and collaboration as the keys to our shared success.


We are here for you, for the long haul. Whatever it takes. We are your creative companion and loyal friend, always offering the right solution at the right time. We never shy away from tactfully telling the truth because trust is everything, whether in a relationship or in getting workplace results. We commit to cultivating a culture of trust in everything that we do together.


We are curious risk-takers who always lean forward. We advocate for onward progress. Getting better. Getting quicker. Getting easier. We challenge the status quo, question limits, and seek new horizons. We believe that pushing our boundaries outward leads to rapid growth, positive change, and amazing results. We are relentlessly driven to seek solutions, optimize opportunities, and constantly elevate the experience.


We are first and always a human-centric brand. We listen to understand. We communicate to connect. We relate, integrate, and resonate with our clients and the world in which we work. We know you’re human too, with hopes, dreams, and aspirations of your own. So, we strive to create authentic human connections at every touchpoint. We believe in the power of empathy, in the potential of every learner, and the priority of our shared experience.


We are friendly, open-minded, and welcoming. We make it easy to work with us. We’re genuinely caring and strive to simplify your journey at every turn. We have a knack for making the complex seem easy. We avoid acronyms, jargon, and buzzwords. Because we prioritize clarity, connectedness, and collaboration as the keys to our shared success.


We are here for you, for the long haul. Whatever it takes. We are your creative companion and loyal friend, always offering the right solution at the right time. We never shy away from tactfully telling the truth because trust is everything, whether in a relationship or in getting workplace results. We commit to cultivating a culture of trust in everything that we do together.


We are curious risk-takers who always lean forward. We advocate for onward progress. Getting better. Getting quicker. Getting easier. We challenge the status quo, question limits, and seek new horizons. We believe that pushing our boundaries outward leads to rapid growth, positive change, and amazing results. We are relentlessly driven to seek solutions, optimize opportunities, and constantly elevate the experience.

we help

We’ve helped tons of companies across a wide range of industries. Check out our solutions – custom fit for your organization’s industry.

We’ve revamped dense content into exciting games, providing learners with the fun and quality material needed for high-class gamification.

From partner training to sales for the newest tech, we’ve developed fast and compelling content for the industry’s biggest names.

When onboarding potentially hundreds of employees at a time, the biggest names in hospitality have come to us to create a thorough and timely solution.

With so many moving parts in fast-food kitchens, our interactive eLearning programs have introduced many new workers to the intricacies of their working spaces.

We’ve delivered significant results for retail clients looking to increase revenue via upselling. By designing scenario-based games, learners developed practical skills for how to score big profits.

Whether for in-person or virtual settings, we have experience designing traditional courses. We’ve helped professional associations create long-form and micro-courses for massive learner bases.

When NYU needed a course to educate teachers on how to help their neurodivergent students thrive, we collaborated with them to produce one of the most meaningful projects we’ve ever worked on.

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Pink dot with fade effect INSIGHTS UNLEASHED

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