4 Top eLearning Trends for 2023

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As we step into this new year, you’re probably noticing a lot of change. Whether it be innovative technologies or industry practices, things are always moving. This year looks to be no different. From groundbreaking artificial intelligence to simple videos, these are some of the likely trends to soar in 2023.

Trend 1 | Artificial Intelligence

The recent developments in artificial intelligence might be the most exciting thing on this list, and in the technological world at large. We’ve known about machine learning for some time, but the popularity of software, like ChatGPT by OpenAI, has launched artificial intelligence into the center of even everyday discourse.The potential of this type of tool is almost limitless. While the software doesn’t seem to be there just yet, it will soon be able to handle numerous tasks. Given the right prompt, it could probably draft generic copy for your courses. The software can troubleshoot code and answer questions in a way that’s sometimes more efficient than search engines. While exciting, early use has shown that ChatGPT and similar chatbots still need some tweaking before they’re ready to be relied on. But watch this space throughout the year.

Trend 2 | Mobile Learning

This trend shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise. Year by year, we’re seeing more activities and tasks being performed on mobile, rather than computer devices. So, eLearning has plenty of room to grow in this space as well. One of the key benefits of remote learning is its flexibility; users usually have more access to their training. Therefore, it makes sense for them to have access on the devices they use the most, cell phones. Many learning management systems (LMS) are now built with this in mind. We’re seeing more mobile friendly interfaces that allow users to access their content whenever and wherever.

Trend 3 | Training Simulations

Simulations offer some of the most fascinating benefits of eLearning. While you can host in-person workshops for employees to learn through firsthand experience, time and budget are massive constraints. It’s not easy to bring everyone in a team together, especially with more companies going remote. And it’s definitely not cheap to gather the resources needed for such a workshop. However, simulations provide a solution to that. And it makes this list because many in the eLearning industry have taken notice of it. You can get as creative as you want when designing this type of training. Through gamification, you can engage your learners in various ways. For example, they can compete in simulated games to see who sells the most products to customers. Or they can develop their teamwork by collaborating to solve problems on a spacecraft. If you can think it, then you can probably design a simulation for it.

Trend 4 | Video Learning

Our world has been moving into a video-based one for most of the 21st century. One only needs to look at the struggles of print media versus multimodal ones over the years. Videos are fast, engaging, and simple to consume. And for that reason, most people enjoy being able to watch learning content, as the constant growth of platforms like YouTube or TikTok suggests. With that in mind, eLearning content should, and is, following a similar fashion. Rather than forcing learning to read walls of text, more instructional designers are inserting videos into their courses when possible. And these don’t have to be extravagant. Sometimes, all you need are a few screenshots and text to achieve the desired effect. Use narration when possible, since it goes a long way in engaging your learners as well.


As we dive into a new year, it’s always fun to guess what might be on the horizon. In the eLearning industry though, we have plenty of evidence to help us predict what we will see. With artificial intelligence advancing in leaps and bounds, it seems destined to revamp our workplaces soon. Training simulations have been around, but the quality and quantity of them is only going to grow. Likewise, mobile and video-based learning are both features that should have solid outlooks in 2023.

If you’re looking for help on how to implement any of these trends into your eLearning, then reach out to us! We have the expertise and resources to take your training to the next level.